Cool Baby Names

There is definitively a trend going on towards choosing cool baby names. People that search for cool baby names are looking for a specific baby name that has been used by a famous person and has therefore become fashionable and cool. A question that should be answered, by the parents is "Will the cool baby name of today continue to be cool in thirty years time?" Any cool baby names that are at the height in the popularity stakes are likely to go out of it within fifteen years or shorter.

Look for cool baby names at our advanced baby names search section. Combine the most suitable cool baby names, you can organize them in the mybabynames section.

Some pitfalls of choosing cool baby names

Defenition of cool
The definition of cool can be taken as a warning when choosing cool baby names.

Baby's identity
Always remember that you have a very big responsibility for creating an important factor in your baby's identity.

Category cool baby names in time
Selecting a specific baby name from this list gives a risk of being associated with a particular period in time or a particular person.

Life phases
A cool baby name must allways be suitable throughout all of his or her life phases.

Happy about it
And what will your newborn baby think of his or her cool baby name? Will he or she be happy to be forever associated with an era or a celebrity?