Indonesian baby names

Looking for Indonesian baby names? You are at the right place! Good luck finding one of the Indonesian baby names.

Top 10 Indonesian baby names

1 Wayan boy Indonesia
2 Ramelan boy Indonesia
3 Budi boy Indonesia
4 Kade girl Indonesia
5 Arti girl Indonesia
6 Lintang girl Indonesia
7 Setiawan boy Indonesia
8 Bintang girl Indonesia
9 Merpati girl Indonesia
10 Atin girl Indonesia

About Indonesia

Indonesia, officially the Republic of Indonesia is a nation of islands consisting of 18,110 islands in the South East Asian Archipelago. Indonesia (from Greek: indus = India nesos = islands) is the world's largest archipelagic nation. Its capital is Jakarta. Indonesia is bordered by the nations of Papua New Guinea, East Timor, and Malaysia. With a population of over 200 million, it is the world's fourth most populous country and the most populous Muslim-majority nation. [source: Wikipedia]

Indonesian baby names

In search for Indonesian baby names most people become interested in the meaning and origin of their own name. Is this name also one of the Indonesian baby names or is it from another country? All the Indonesian baby names also have a meanings here.