Native-American baby names
Looking for Native-American baby names? You are at the right place! Good luck finding one of the Native-American baby names.
Top 10 Native-American baby names |
About Native-America
Native Americans are the indigenous peoples from the regions of North America now encompassed by the continental United States, including parts of Alaska. They comprise a large number of distinct tribes, states, and ethnic groups, many of which are still enduring as political communities. There is controversy surrounding the names used: they are also known as American Indians, Indians, Amerindians, Amerinds, or Indigenous, Aboriginal or Original Americans. In Canada they are known as First Nations peoples. [source: Wikipedia]
Native-American baby names
In search for Native-American baby names most people become interested in the meaning and origin of their own name. Is this name also one of the Native-American baby names or is it from another country? All the Native-American baby names also have a meanings here.