Pregnancy Calendar Month 4

A month-by-month pregnancy calendar, 4th month

For the mother

You can see you are pregnant now, your waistline disappears and your muscles are relaxed. Your appetite increases around this period and you begin to feel better, sometimes a rapid weight gain follows. Eat th emost optimal nutritions for you and your baby. You may want to switch to looser pants and other clothing. be sure your maternity bra is properly fitted, your breast will grow in the couple of months. Skin pigmentation in your face, breasts and arms, and your nipples changes around this time.

For the baby

Your little baby is around six inches and completely formed. He or she can hear your voice and other surrounding sounds now. The body is covered with fine hair and his or her skin is transparent now. Very small fingernails are visible.

4th month pregnancy

Month 1 Month 4 Month 7
Month 2 Month 5 Month 8
Month 3 Month 6 Month 9